Meeting with healthcare providers and representatives from the Ministry of Health

Meeting with health care providers / Takim me ofruesit e kujdesit shëndetësor

09.06.2022 – Peje Meeting with healthcare providers and representatives from the Ministry of Health focusing on good practice guidelines and effective referral pathways for women survivors of violence Healthcare professionals are often the first to find out if women have experienced male violence, which is why it is important for doctors and nurses to make …

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Takime me punonjës të shëndetësisë / Meetings with healthcare providers

16 Maj 2022   Takime me punonjës të shëndetësisë Gjatë muajit Maj, Rrjeti i Fuqizimit të Gruas në Shqipëri (AWEN) ka realizuar takime me punonjës qendrave shëndetësore ku është diskutuar mbi çështje të dhunës ndaj grave/dhunës në familje, përfshirë dhunën seksuale. Në këto takime janë dhënë udhëzime konkrete se si punonjësit e shëndetësisë mund të …

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Gender based Discrimination and Labour in Albania / Diskriminimi me bazë gjinore dhe puna në Shqipëri

Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC) has examined gender-based discrimination and labour in Albania, as part of a regional initiative in six Western Balkan countries, supported by the European Union (EU) and cofunded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). The research aimed to provide information about shortcomings in the relevant legal framework; the prevalence …

Read more Gender based Discrimination and Labour in Albania / Diskriminimi me bazë gjinore dhe puna në Shqipëri

International Women’s Day: “Red Shoes”/Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Gruas: “Këpucët e kuqe”

On International Women’s Day, Women Wellness Center together with other women’s organizations conducted an action, where we gathered red shoes as a symbol to remember 48 women killed by their abusers from 2002-2022 and seek justice for them. “Red Shoes” is a campaign against violence experienced by women in the family and society, which began …

Read more International Women’s Day: “Red Shoes”/Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Gruas: “Këpucët e kuqe”

Meeting with service providers to discuss the importance of setting up crisis centers/Takim me ofrues shërbimi për të diskutuar rreth rendësisë së ngritjes së qendrave të emergjencës

Meeting with service providers to discuss the importance of setting up crisis centers                              15 October 2021, Vlora – Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN), in cooperation with “Vatra” Center, a member organization of the network, held a meeting on October 15 with …

Read more Meeting with service providers to discuss the importance of setting up crisis centers/Takim me ofrues shërbimi për të diskutuar rreth rendësisë së ngritjes së qendrave të emergjencës

Meeting with health workers and social workers at the Women Wellness Center/Takim me punetoret shendetsor dhe social ne Qendren per Mireqenien e Gruas

24.09.2021- Meeting with health workers and social workers at the Women Wellness Center Sexual violence is widespread, yet relatively few survivors report and receive healthcare or complete treatment. In our community, health workers have the potential to provide support services to large numbers of survivors. The aim of this meeting was to review the role …

Read more Meeting with health workers and social workers at the Women Wellness Center/Takim me punetoret shendetsor dhe social ne Qendren per Mireqenien e Gruas

Takim me institucionet perkrahese per reintegrimin e grave viktima te dhunes / Meeting with support institutions for the reintegration of women victims of violence

15.09.2021/ Pejë – Takim me institucionet perkrahese per reintegrimin e grave viktima te dhunes Përfaqësueset e Qendres per Mireqenien e Gruas prezantuan aktivitetet e kryera për fuqizimin e grave gjatë periudhës së Covid 19 dhe zbatimin e strategjisë komunale për mbrojtjen nga dhuna në familje. Në bashkëpunim me bizneset vendase ne kemi punësuar gra në …

Read more Takim me institucionet perkrahese per reintegrimin e grave viktima te dhunes / Meeting with support institutions for the reintegration of women victims of violence

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