Outreach team on the field!!!/ Terenski tim na terenu!!

U okviru kampanje 16 dana aktivizma protiv nasilja nad ženama Terenski tim SOS telefona Nikšić obišao je centre u 4 primorske opštine: Bar, Budvu, Kotor i Tivat, u kojima borave žene i djeca koji su izbjegli od rusko-ukrajinskog rata u Crnu Goru.

Članice tima su razgovarale sa ženama o njihovoj situaciji, uslovima u kojima žive i borave, planovima. Dodatno, članice tima su ih uputile na specijalizovane servise pomoći i podrške koji su im dostupni tokom boravka u Crnoj Gori i koje pruža SOS telefon Nikšić. Tokom posjete smo podijelile promo materijale i dogovorile sledeću posjetu.

Završna aktivnost u okviru kampanje bila je Javna akcija koju smo organizovale 8. decembra u Nikšiću. Na ovaj način htjele smo da našim sugrađankama skrenemo pažnju na važnost problema iposledica koje nasilje nad ženama ima po cijelu zajenicu, i da ih podsjetimo na rad SOS telefona Nikšić i usluge koje pružamo.

As part of the campaign 16 days of activism against violence against women, the Outreach team of SOS Helpline Nikšić visited the centers in 4 coastal municipalities: Bar, Budva, Kotor and Tivat, where women and children who fled from the Russian-Ukrainian war in Montenegro live.

The members of the team talked with the women about their situation, the conditions in which they live and stay, and their plans. Additionally , the members of the team referred them to the specialized help and support services that are available to them during their stay in Montenegro and that are provided by SOS Helpline Nikšić. During the visit, we distributed promotional materials and agreed on the next visit.

The final activity within the campaign was the Public Action that we organized on December 8 in Nikšić. In this way, we wanted to draw the attention of our fellow citizens to the importance of the problem and the consequences that violence against women has on the entire community, and to remind them of the work of the SOS Helpline Nikšič and the services we provide.


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