New publications Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Regional Assessment: Cooperation between women’s NGOs and healthcare providers. A comparative study in the Western Balkans and Turkey Executive Summary: Cooperation between women’s NGOs and healthcare providers. A comparative study in the Western Balkans and Turkey Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Executive Summary: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Executive Summary: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Albania Effective cooperation ndërmjet ofruesve të kujdesit shëndetësor dhe shërbimeve të specializuara të mbështetjes së grave si reagim ndaj rasteve të dhunës në familje | Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Udhëzime për ofruesit e kujdesit shëndetësor si reagim ndaj rasteve të dhunës ndaj grave dhe dhunës në familje | Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Vleresimit Rajonal: Bashkëpunimi mes OJQ-ve të grave dhe ofruesve të kujdesit shëndetësor. Një studim krahasues në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe Turqi | Regional Assessment: Cooperation between women’s NGOs and healthcare providers. A comparative study in the Western Balkans and Turkey Përmbledhje Ekzekutive: Praktikat Premtuese të ngritjes dhe ofrimit të shërbimeve të mbështetjes së specializuar për gratë që kanë përjetuar dhunë seksuale. Një panoramë ligjore dhe praktike për OJF-të e grave dhe politikëbërërsit në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe Turqi | Executive Summary: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey GREVIO Baseline Evaluation Report Albania Government Comments on the GREVIO Baseline Evaluation Report Bosnia and Herzegovina Efikasna multisektorska saradnja: Između pružalaca/pružateljica zdravstvenih usluga i specijalističke službe za podršku ženama kao odgovor na otkrivanje nasilja u porodici | Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Uputstvo za zdravstvene radnike/ce kao odgovor na nasilje nad ženama i porodično nasilje | Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Obećavajuće prakse uspostavljanja i pružanja specijalizovanih servisa podrške ženama sa iskustvom seksualnog nasilja. Pregled propisa i praksi za ženske nevladine organizacije i donosioce odluka u regiji Zapadnog Balkana i Turske | Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Kosovo Bashkëpunim efektiv ndërmjet ofruesve të kujdesit shëndetësor dhe shërbimeve të specializuara të mbështetjes së grave si reagim ndaj rasteve të dhunës në familje | Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Udhëzime për ofruesit e kujdesit shëndetësor si reagim ndaj rasteve të dhunës ndaj grave dhe dhunës në familje | Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Përmbledhje Ekzekutive: Praktikat Premtuese të ngritjes dhe ofrimit të shërbimeve të mbështetjes së specializuar për gratë që kanë përjetuar dhunë seksuale. Një panoramë ligjore dhe praktike për OJF-të e grave dhe politikëbërërsit në Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe Turqi | Executive Summary: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Mapping support services for victims of violence against women in Kosovo* Montenegro Efikasna multisektorska saradnja: Između pružalaca/pružateljki zdravstvenih usluga i specijalističke službe za podršku ženama kao odgovor na otkrivanje nasilja u porodici | Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Uputstvo za zdravstvene radnike/ce kao odgovor na nasilje nad ženama i porodično nasilje | Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Obećavajuće prakse uspostavljanja i pružanja specijalizovanih servisa podrške ženama sa iskustvom seksualnog nasilja. Pregled propisa i praksi za ženske nevladine organizacije i donosioce odluka u regiji Zapadnog Balkana i Turske | Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey State Report to GREVIO 2017 Implementation of Montenegro’s Domestic Violence Legislation July 2017 Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Montenegro North Macedonia Ветувачки практики на воспоставување и обезбедување специјализирани услуги на поддршка за жени жртви на сексуално насилство. Правен и практичен преглед за женските НВО и креаторите на политики во Западен Балкан и Турција | Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Serbia Efikasna multisektorska saradnja: Između pružalaca/pružateljki zdravstvenih usluga i specijalističke službe za podršku ženama kao odgovor na otkrivanje nasilja u porodici | Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Uputstvo za zdravstvene radnike/ce kao odgovor na nasilje nad ženama i porodično nasilje | Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Obećavajuće prakse uspostavljanja i pružanja specijalizovanih servisa podrške ženama sa iskustvom seksualnog nasilja. Pregled propisa i praksi za ženske nevladine organizacije i donosioce odluka u regiji Zapadnog Balkana i Turske | Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey GREVIO begins to monitor the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women Istanbul Convention in Serbian language Explanatory Text on Istanbul Convention in Serbian language Türkiye Ev içi şiddetin açığa çıktığı durumlarda sağlık çalışanları ve uzman kadın destek hizmetleri arasında etkili kurumlar-arası işbirliği | Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Sağlık çalışanları için kadına yönelik şiddet ve ev içi şiddetin açığa çıktığı durumlara yaklaşım kılavuzu | Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Batı Balkanlar ve Türkiye’de Kadın STK’ları ve Sağlık Hizmeti Sağlayıcıları arasında İşbirliği: KARŞILAŞTIRMALI BIR ÇALIŞMA | Regional Assessment: Cooperation between women’s NGOs and healthcare providers. A comparative study in the Western Balkans and Turkey Cinsel şiddete maruz kalan kadınlar için uzman destek hizmetleri oluşturma ve sağlama konusunda umut vadeden uygulamalar. Batı Balkanlar ve Türkiye’deki kadın STK’ları ve politika yapıcılar için yasal ve pratik konulara dair genel bir değerlendirme | Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey State Report to GREVIO 2017 Domestic Violence Against Women in Turkey: Summary Report (2014) Shadow NGO Report on Turkey’s First Report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating VaW and DV Shadow NGO Report on Turkey’s Seventh Periodic Report to The Committee on The Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (2016) CEDAW – Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (2010) CEDAW - Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Turkey (2016) Shadow NGO Report on Turkey’s Fourth and Fifth combined Periodic Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (2005) Turkey Shadow Follow Up Report Submitted by The Executive Committee for the NGO Forum on CEDAW – Turkey & The Women’s Platform on the Turkish Penal Code CSSP Infographics: Effective multiagency cooperation between healthcare providers and women’s specialist support services in response to disclosure of domestic violence Guidelines for healthcare providers in responding to disclosures of violence against women and domestic violence Regional Assessment: Cooperation between women’s NGOs and healthcare providers. A comparative study in the Western Balkans and Turkey Executive Summary: Cooperation between women’s NGOs and healthcare providers. A comparative study in the Western Balkans and Turkey Policy Paper: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Executive Summary: Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence. A legal and practical overview for women’s NGOs and policy makers in the Western Balkans and Turkey Mapping Report 2018 Comparative Report: The Benefits and Challenges of Women's Networks in the Western Balkans and Turkey Research Report 2018: Doing It Right: Making women's networks accessible Briefing Paper: Benefits and Challenges the CSSP Platform has faced in the Process of Implementing and Monitoring the Istanbul Convention Mapping of Sexual Violence Services in the western Balkans and Turkey - Executive Summary Advancing the Istanbul Convention implementation: The role of women’s NGOs and networks in the Western Balkans & Turkey Mapping on sexual violence services in the Western Balkans and Turkey’ Executive summary