Žrtve nasilja prenijeće iskustvo kroz fotografiju od kojih će biti izrađen bilbordi i razglednice/ Victims of violence will share their experience through photo storytelling which will be used to make billboards and postcards

U Nikšiću i Mostaru, istovremeno, partnerske organizacije SOS Nikšić i Udruženje “Žena BiH” Mostar održale su konferencije za medije gdje su objavile početak realizacije “Glasovima žena protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja u Crnoj Gori i BiH”. Zajednički cilj je da više od 20 žena iz dvije države bude osnaženo na anoniman, inovativan i kreativan način, pri čemu će kroz fotografiju izraziti svoja iskustva. Po prvi put, u ovim susjednim zemljama, autorke izložbe fotografija biće žene koje su preživjele nasilje. Ovaj projekat se realizuje u okviru zajedničkog regionalnog programa “Dijalog za Budućnost: unapređenje dijaloga i društvene kohezije u, i između, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Republike Srbije” koji sprovodi UNDP, UNICEF i UNESCO, a finansira ga Fond UN-a za izgradnju mira (UN PBF).



Partner organizations- SOS hotline for women and children victims Niksic and Association “Zena BiH” Mostar held a simultaneous press conference in Nikšić and Mostar, where they announced the beginning of the realisation of the cross-border project “With women’s voices against gender-based violence in Montenegro and B&H”. The common goal is to empower more than 20 women from both countries through an anonymous, innovative and creative method, by expressing their experiences through photography. For the first time in these neighbouring countries, the authors of the photography exhibition will be women- survivors of violence.

This project is realised within the framework of the common regional programme “Dialogue for the future: enhancing dialogue and social cohesion within and between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Republic of Serbia” that is carried out by the United Nations Development Programme – UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO, and funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund (UN PBF).


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