Two-day accredited training on work in SOS shelter/ Dvodnevna akreditovana obuka za rad u SOS skloništu

During last two days (19. – 20. October) we have conducted two – day accredited training on work in SOS shelter.

The overall objective of accredited training is to systematize knowledge of theoretical concepts and to develop and improve  skill to provide shelter services as specialized services
for help and support for women and children with survivors of violence.

Accredited programs are intended to professionals who work in shelters as well as  professional staff in accordance with Article 123 of the Law on Social and Child Protection and other persons
dealing with the protection of women and children from DV.

Two-day accredited training is conducted under the project “Women’s Voice and Agency strengthened to advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention ”. The project is part of a regional initiative covering 6 countries Western Balkans and Turkey, and is financially supported by UNDP in cooperation with UN Women and the EU Delegation in Montenegro.

Tokom prošlog vikenda (19. – 20. Oktobar) sprovele smo dvodnevnu akreditovanu obuku za rad u SOS skloništu.

Opšti cilj akreditovane obuke je sistematizacija znanja o teorijskim konceptima i razvoj i unapređenje vještina za pružanje usluga smještaja u skloništima  kao specijalizovanom  servisu pomoći i podrške za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilja. Akreditovan program je namijenjen praktičarima i praktičarkama koji pružaju uslugu u skloništima. Takođe je mogu pohađati stručni radnici/e u skladu sa članom 123. Zakona o socijalnoj i dječjoj zaštiti, kao i druga lica koja se bave zaštitom žena i djece od nasilja u porodici.

Dvodnevna akreditovana obuka se sprovodi u okviru projekta „Women’s voice and agency strenghened to advocate for the development and and implemenrtation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention ”. Navedeni projekat je dio regionalne inicijative koja obuhvata 6 zemalja Zapadnog Balkana i Tursku, a finansijski ga podržava UNDP u saradnji sa UN Women i Delagacijom EU u Crnoj Gori.

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