Trening o RZN za aktivistkinje ŽNVO/ Training on GBV for the activists of Womens NGO

In the last week SOS Helpline Niksic have organized training for the activists of the womens NGO. The training was organized for total 10 activist from the south region of the Montenegro.
The goal of the training is to improve the capacities of activists working in women services, in order to improve their capacities to provide better services to women and children with experience of violence. The training is organized under the project “Expending culturally responsive and victim-centered services for survivors”, supported by UNDP office in Montenegro.
Prethodne sedmice SOS telefon Nikšić je organizovao u Kotoru trening o rodno zasnovanom nasilju i dostupnim servisima za 10 aktivistkinja ženskih NVO .
Cilj treninga je da se unaprijede kapaciteti aktivistkinja koje rade u servisima, kako bi se na taj način unapijedili njohovi kapacieti za pružanje kvalitetnije usluge ženama i djeci sa iskustvom nasilja. Trening je dio projekta “Unapređenje kulturološki senzitivnog pristupa u servisima za žene žrtve nasilja koji je podržan od strane UNDP kancelarije u Crnoj Gori.
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