Training for members of SOS Niksic on ethical principles for work in shelter/Trening za članice SOS-a o etičkim principima za rad u skloništu

To adequately provide assistance in a shelter for women and children survivors of violence, ethics is the main principle. With this in mind, we started the realization of interactive training on ethical principles for work in SOS shelter. The training is part of the regional project “Building capacities of SOS shelter to provide good quality service for women survivors in shelter”.

The SOS team worked on building their own capacities  as a precondition for working with women survivors of violence. During the training we were developing  ways of communicating with women within the team and with the beneficiaries.

Through interesting exercises and games, we disccused on different levels of listening, cultural differences, building relationships between a confidants and women survivors of violence. We also talked about differences in power that could be an obstacle in communication.

Through exercise, Body map, we mapped positive and negative emotions and how they affect our body. We dealt with the issue of trauma, learned to ask questions,  we were considering strategies in dealing with women survivors of violence.

Za adekvatno pružanje pomoći u skloništu za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilja, etika je krovni princip. Imajući to u vidu započele smo realizaciju interaktivnog treninga o etičkim principima za rad u SOS skloništu. Trening je dio je regionalnog projekta “Izgradnja kapaciteta SOS skloništa za pružanje kvalitetne usluge u skloništu ženama koje su preživjele nasilje”.

Ekipa SOS-a bavila se radom na sebi kao preduslovom za rad sa ženama sa iskustvom nasilja.Tokom treninga razrađivale smo načine komunikacije sa ženama unutar tima i sa korisnicama.

Kroz zanimljive vježbe i igrice bavile smo se raznim nivoima slušanja, kulturološkim razlikama, izgradnjom odnosa između povjerljivog lica i žena sa iskustvom nasilja. Razgovarale smo i o razlikama u moći koje mogu biti prepreka komunikaciji.

Kroz vježbu, Body mapa, mapirale smo pozitivne i negativne emocije i kako one utiču na naše tijelo. Bavile smo se pitanjem traume, učile da postavljamo pitanja, promišljamo strategije u radu sa ženama sa iskustvom nasilja.





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