SOS Niksic on Bundeva fest / SOS Niksic na Bundeva festu/ kungull fest

On 24th of October, during Bundeva fest/kungull fest organized in local municipality of Tuzi, representatives of SOS Niksic were collecting money in purpose of establishing First Trauma Centar for women and children victims of violence. This Center will provide emotional and phisicaly stabilization of survivors. This action is a part of the campaign ” Do not wait even a minute! that we have launched in december 2021 with aim of Establishing Trauma Center. Our task is to collect first 25 000 $, and if we manage to do that, the Trag Foundation will duoble the amount, and give us 50 000 $, to the needed 75 000 $.

Additionally, this was a great opportunity for the Outreach team, to talk with huge number of woman and girls from Tuzi, Podgorica and other municipalities of Montenegro, attending the fest in order to spread the word on gender equality and availible specialized services.


24. oktobra, tokom Bundeva fest/kungull festa organizovanog u opštini Tuzi, predstavnice SOS telefona Nikšić prikupljale su sredstva za uspostavljanje Prvog trauma centra za žene i djecu žrtve nasilja. Ovaj centar će obezbijediti dugoročnu emocionalnu i fizičku stabilizaciju žrtava. Ova akcija je dio kampanje „Ne čekajte ni minut!“ koju smo pokrenule u decembru 2021. godine sa ciljem osnivanja Trauma centra. Naš zadatak je da prikupimo prvih 25 000 $, a ako to uspemo, Trag Fondacija će udvostručiti iznos, i dati nam 50 000 $, do neophodnih 75 000 $.

Pored toga, ovo je bila odlična prilika za Outreach tim, da razgovara sa velikim brojem žena i djevojaka iz Tuzi, Podgorice i drugih opština Crne Gore, koje su obišle festival, kako bi “širili riječ” o rodnoj ravnopravnosti i dostupnim specijalizovanim servisima.

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