Round table on the public presentation of the Strategy for fight against trafficking in human beings/Okrugli sto povodom javnog predstavljanja Strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima
Round table on the public presentation of the Strategy for fight against trafficking in human beings
The representative of SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence Niksic, on the 26th of November 2018 took part in the roundtable organized in Podgorica on the occasion of the public presentation of the Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings.
The round table organized by National Office of National Coordinator for Fight against Trafficking in Human beings brought together the expert public, representatives of the civil sector and other stakeholders who, after the presentation of the key objectives of the document, had the opportunity to directly submit their proposals, suggestions and comments on the Draft Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for the period 2019 – 2024 and the Action Plan for its implementation for 2019.
Okrugli sto povodom javnog predstavljanja Strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima
26. novembra 2018. godine, predstavnica SOS telefona za žene i djecu žrtve nasilja Nikšić je uzela učešće na okruglom stolu organizovanom u Podgorici povodom javnog predstavljanja Strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima.
Okrugli sto organizovan od strane Nacionalne kancelarije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima okupio je stručnu javnost, predstavnike civilnog sektora i ostale zainteresovane strane, koji su nakon prezentacije ključnih ciljeva predmetnog dokumenta, imali mogućnost da direktno daju svoje prijedloge, sugestije i komentare na Nacrt Strategije za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima za period 2019 – 2024. godine i Akcionog plana za njenu implementaciju za 2019. godinu.