Projection of the movie “I AM JANE DOE” \ Projekcija film “JA SAM JANE DOE”

In the premises of SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence Niksic, in cooperation with the US Embassy has been organised the projection of the film “I AM JANE DOE” about human trafficking.
The attendees had the opportunity to talk to the activist Nacole S., the mother of a victim of trafficking and one of the participants in the documentary.


U prostorijama SOS telefona Niksic, u saradnji sa Ambasadom SAD organizovana je projekcija dokumentarnog filma pod nazivom “JA SAM JANE DOE” o trgovini ljudima.
Prisutni su imali priliku da razgovaraju sa aktivistkinjom Nacole S., majkom žrtve trafikinga i jednom od učesnica dokumentarca.

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