President of the Municipal Assembly of Niksic, visited the SOS shelter for women and children victims of violence/ Predsjednik Skupštine opštine Nikšić posjetio SOS sklonište

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Nemanja Vukovic, President of the Municipal Assembly of Niksic, visited the SOS shelter for women and children victims of violence.

Natasa Medjedovic, the executive coordinator of the SOS hotline Niksic, pointed out that our shelter is among the best in Europe, and that in addition to accommodation, it provides support to our beneficiaries on several levels, including psychological counseling. Medjedovic informed the President of the Assembly about the fact that the shelter is predominantly financed by international solidarity, although according to the Istanbul Convention, those obligations should be taken over by the state.

Vukovic thanked to us for the enormous effort they are continuously investing to help the most vulnerable categories of society, and stressed the readiness of local authorities to get involved and find the best model to support the work of the shelter.

This visit was great opportunity to introduce President with the created policy paper Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence, reccomendations and posibility of support.

Emphasizing the fact that violence against women is primarily a violation of basic human rights, the interlocutors agreed that in the interaction of government, NGO sector and interested individuals, an adequate solution should be sought, which would provide adequate protection to victims.


Povodom Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama Nemanja Vuković, predsjednik Skupštine opštine Nikšić, posjetio je SOS sklonište za žene i đecu žrtve nasilja.

Nataša Međedović, izvršna koordinatorka SOS telefona Nikšić, istakla je da je sklonište u Nikšiću među najboljima u Evropi, te da osim smještaja našim korisnicima pruža podršku na više nivoa, uključujući i psihološko savjetovanje. Međedović je upoznala predsjednika Skupštine sa činjenicom da se sklonište dominantno finansira od međunarodne solidarnosti, premda bi po Istambulskoj konvenciji te obaveze trebalo da preuzme država.

Vuković nam se zahvalio na ogromnom trudu koji u kontinuitetu ulažu kako bi pomogle najranjivijim kategorijama društva, i istakao spremnost lokalnih vlasti da se uključe i pronađu najbolji model podrške radu skloništa.

Ova posjeeta je bila odlična prilika da predsjednika upoznamo sa kreiranim dokumentom Promising practices of establishing and providing specialist support services for women experiencing sexual violence, njegovim preporukama i načinima moguće podrške i saradnje.

Apostrofirajući činjenicu da je nasilje nad ženama prije svega kršenje elementarnih ljudskih prava, sagovornici su se saglasili u ocjeni da bi u interakciji vlasti, NVO sektora i zainteresovanih pojedinaca trebalo potražiti adekvatno rješenje, koje bi žrtvama pružilo odgovarajuću zaštitu.

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