Outreach team on the field/Outreach tim na terenu
On July 26, the Members of the specialized Outreach team visited the municipality of Bar and spoke openly with the citizens of Bar about the topics of gender-based violence, domestic violence, problems and challenges that women in Montenegro face, available help and support services.
The specialized Outreach Team was organized through the project “Expending culturally responsive and victim-centered services for survivors” with the aim of providing accessible and quality services to women survivors of gender-based violence, especially women belonging to culturally different environments (municipalities of: Tuzi, Bar, Ulcinj, Plav and Rozaje).
Our goal is to improve victim-centered practice in order to meet their needs, especially taking into account the specificity of the communities they come from.
Članice specijalizovanog terenskog tima 26.jula su obišle opštinu Bar i sa građankama Bara otvoreno govorile o temama rodno zasnovanog nasilja, porodičnog nasilja, problemima i izazovima sa kojima se žene u Crnoj Gori suočavaju, dostpunim servisima pomoći i podrške.
Specijalizovani Terenski tim je organizovan kroz projekat „Unapređenje kulturološki senzitivnog pristupa servisima, usmjerenim ka žrtvama nasilja“ a sa ciljem pružanja dostupnih, pristupačnih i kvalitetnih usluga ženama sa iskustvom rodno zasnovanog nasilja, posebno ženama koje pripadaju kulturološki drugačijim sredinama (Tuzi, Bar, Ulcinj, Plav i Rožaje).
Cilj nam je da se unaprijedi praksa usmjerena na žrtve kako bi se zadovoljile njihove potrebe, posebno imajući u vidu specifičnost zajednica iz kojih dolaze.