Meeting with local health care providers/ Sastanak sa zdravstvenim radnicima/cama

Health workers are usually the first to find out that a woman has survived gender-based violence, and that is why it is important that doctors, as well as nurses/technicians, do not miss the opportunity to refer women to women’s non-governmental organizations that deal with the protection and support of victims of violence.

More effective multi-sector cooperation between local healthcare workers in Niksic and SOS helpline Niksic as a response to the discovery of domestic violence  – was the topic of the meeting that we have organized in mid-June at the premises of the SOS shelter.

During the meeting, together with doctors, psychologists, social workers and nurses, we also discussed the materials: Instructions for health workers in responding to violence against women and domestic violence and the Guidelines for effective multisectoral cooperation, which we developed as part of the CSSP project.

The common conclusion is that violence against women is more widespread than we want to admit and that we talk about it and that we can suppress it only with joint efforts and cooperation.


Zdravstveni radnici/e su najčešće oni koji prvi saznaju da je žena preživjela rodno zasnovano nasilje, i zbog toga je važno da doktori/ice kao i medicinske sestre/tehničari ne propuste priliku da upute žene u ženske nevladine organizacije koje se bave zaštitom i podrškom žrtvama nasilja.

Efikasnija multisektorska saradnja između lokalnih zdravstvenih radnik/ca Nikšića i SOS telefoa Nikšić kao odgovor na otkrivanje nasilja u porodici, bila je tema sastanka koji smo organizovale sredinom juna, u prostorijama SOS skloništa.

Tokom sastanka, zajedno sa doktoricama, psihološkinjom, socijalnom radnicom i medicinskom sestrama prodiskutovale smo i materijale:  Uputstvo za zdravstvene radnike/ce kao odgovor na nasilje nad ženama i porodično i Vodič za Efikasni multisektorsku saradnju, a koje smo kreirale u okviru CSSP projekta.

Obostrani zaključak je da je nasilja nad ženama rasprostranjenije nego što želimo priznati i što govorimo o njemu i da ga samo zajedničkim naporima i saradnjom možemo suzbiti.

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