The Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence does not apply to the full extent/Zakon o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici ne primenjuje se u punoj meri

15th of August, 2018: It is necessary to improve the understanding of the rights and needs of victims of domestic violence, to involve, inform and appreciate the victim, to participate in the planning of individual protection and support measures. It is also important to improve the knowledge of the practicing experts, and that the law in all cities and municipalities is equally applied – the recommendations are of the sixth independent report on the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence made by the Autonomous Women’s Center.

In June last year, the number of cases of violence was 2430, while in June this year it was 1000 higher. The number of cases in which risk assessment is carried out, number of emergency measures for the prohibition of contact and approach to the victim is also increased, as well as the number of cases in which the duration of these measures has been prolonged. However, there has been an increase in both the number of repeat offenders and those who have broken those measures. What is worrying is the decrease in the number of filed criminal charges against the perpetrators with 744, as it was in June last year, to 467, as filed in June 2018, according to a report by the Autonomous Women’s Center. It is alarming that almost every fourth reported case of violence remains without an assessment of security risks, that there is no long-term preventive protection, that the number of individual protection pens is still low and that the victim’s participation in their creation is missing. Although the Ministry of the Interior has started electronic records, there is still a lack of networking between the Centers for Social Work, the police and the prosecutor’s offices. The report recommends additional training of direct executors as well as systematic expert support in their work. It is also alleged that it is necessary to provide internal mechanisms for operational monitoring of the proceedings, in order to avoid omissions, but also to determine the disciplinary and misdemeanor responsibility of individuals who show resistance to act in accordance with the Law.


Neophodno je unaprediti razumevanje prava i potreba žrtava nasilja u porodici, da žrtva bude uključena, informisana i uvažena, da učestvuje u planiranju individualnih mera zaštite i podrške. Važno je i unapređenje znanja postupajućih stručnjaka, kao i to da se zakon u svim gradovima i opštinama jednako primenjuje, preporuke su šestog nezavisnog izveštaja o primeni Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja u porodici koji je sačinio Autonomni ženski centar.

Broj razmatranih slučajeva nasilja je u junu prošle godine bio 2430, dok je u junu ove godine za 1000 viši. Povećan je i broj slučajeva u kojima se vrši procena rizika, povećan broj hitnih mera zabrane kontakta i prilaska žrtvi, kao i broj slučajeva u kojima je trajanje ovih mera produženo. Međutim, došlo je do povećanja i broja učinilaca koji su ponovili dela, kao i onih koji su prekršili te mere. Ono što zabrinjava jeste smanjenje broja podnetih krivičnih prijava protiv učinilaca sa 744, koliko ih je bilo u junu prošle godine, na 467, koliko je podneto u junu 2018. godine, navodi se u izveštaju Autonomnog ženskog centra. Zabrinjava podatak da skoro svaki četvrti prijavljeni slučaj nasilja ostaje bez procene bezbednosnih rizika, da izostaje dugoročna preventivna zaštita, da je broj individualnih panova zaštite još uvek nizak i da izostaje učešće žrtve u njihovom kreiranju. Iako je MUP pokrenuo elektronsku evidenciju, još uvek izostaje umreženost Centara za socijalni rad, policije i tužilaštava. Izveštajem se preporučuju dodatne obuke neposrednih izvršilaca kao i sistemska stručna podrška u njihovom radu. Navodi se takođe da je neophodno obezbediti unutrašnje mehanizme za operativno praćenje postupanja, kako bi se izbegli propusti, ali i zbog utvrđivanja disciplinske i prekršajne odgovornosti pojedinaca koji pokazuju otpor da postupaju u skladu sa Zakonom.

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