Kriminal pod velom tradicije/ The crime under the veil of tradition
Prema procjenama romskih nevladinih organizaca, prije punoljetstva u brak stupe dvije od tri, ili čak tri od četiri Romkinje. Ne zna se koliko je ugovorenih brakova. Ali se zna “cijena” nevjeste. Uglavnom od 200 do 4.000 eura, u nekim slučajevima i više. Ako kojim slučajem djevojčica napusti bračnu zajednicu, porodica mora da vrati novac. Nevinost je na posebnoj cijeni. U slučaju takve pogodbe, ako se pokaže da je mlada ranije imala seksualne odnose, mora se vratiti dupli iznos ugovorene svote.
Nacionalnoj SOS liniji za žrtve nasilja u porodici, od početka godine za pomoć su se obratile dvije žene koje su navele da su žrtve ugovorenog braka.
Nataša Međedović Pištalo, izvršna koordinatorka SOS telefona Nikšić, ukazuje da ugovoreni brakovi nijesu incidentna već raširena pojava, često povezana sa nasiljem u porodici. “U praksi najčešće imamo situacije u kojima su se žene inicijalno obratile za pomoć zbog nasilja u porodici. U daljim razgovorima, tokom procesa osnaživanja, dobije se informacija i da su žrtve ugovorenog braka. Naime, odrastaju u izrazito patrijarhalnim i zatvorenim zajednicama gdje im se šalje poruka da nemaju pravo na sopstveni izbor i odluke jer je ‘ugovoreni brak dio tradicije i običaja’“, kaže ona.
According to estimates of Roma NGOs, before adulthood, two out of three, or even three out of four ROMA girls get married. It is not known what the number of arranged marriages is. What is known for sure is a “price” of bride- from 200 to 4 000 EURO, sometimes more. If the girl leaves marriage, her family should give back the money. The virginity is at the special price. If turns out that the girl already had sexual intercourse, her family has to give back double amount of money.
From the beginning of the year, National helpline for victims of domestic violence received calls from two women who stated that they are victims of arranged marriages.
Natasa Medjedovic Pistalo, Executive Coordinator of SOS Center Niksic, indicates that arranged marriages are not incidental, but widespread phenomenon, often associated with domestic violence. “In practice, we often have situations where women initially addressed for help because they are victims of domestic violence. In further conversations, during empowering process, we get information that they are also victims of arranged marriage. These women grow up in patriarchal and closed communities where is the main message- women do not have right for own choice and decisions because arranged marriage is a part of tradition and customs”, she said.