Ka SOS liniji 15 poziva više nego lani/15 percent more calls to the National SOS helpline than last year

Nacionalna SOS linija za žrtve nasilja u porodici u periodu od izbijanja pandemije korona virusa, od 15. marta do 30. avgusta, zabilježila 1.608 poziva za pomoć i podršku, što je za 15 odsto više u odnosu na isti period prethodne godine kada je bio 1.371 poziv.

Nacionalnu SOS liniju vodi SOS telefon Nikšić, od septembra 2015. godine, a kako je podsjetila izvršna koordinatorka Nataša Međedović, poziv je besplatan i anonimnost garantovana.


Međedović za press kaže da je ove godine pomoć od njih zatražilo 220 žena što je za 10 odsto veći broj u odnosu na lani, kada je pomoć tražilo njih 198.

U prvom talasu pandemije korona virusa, od marta do maja, koji je za sve bio nepoznanica, fokus je, prema njenim riječima, bio na činjenici da je nasilje nad ženama i nasilje u porodici postalo intenzivnije i posljedično je povećan rizik za život i bezbjednost žena.

“Drugi talas, od juna 2020. je ogolio druge negativne društvene procese (materijalna nesigurnost, povećanje nezaposlenosti i siromaštva) uzrokovane virusom kovid-19 koji su posebno pogodili žene žrtve nasilja koje su višestruko ranjive. One su često obavljale povremene poslove bez ugovora o radu. Veliki broj je zaposlen u uslužnim djelatnostima, što znači da njihovi poslovi nijesu mogli biti preusmjereni na rad od kuće”, objasnila je ona.

Dodaje da djeca nijesu mogla pohađati vrtiće i škole, pa su žene bile suočene sa brigom kako da usaglase brigu o djeci i odlazak na posao.

“Poslodavci smanjuju broj zaposlenih što žene suočava sa gubitkom posla ili su primorane da rade duplo više nego ranije za iste ili smanjene plate. Egzistencijalna nesigurnost, strah od gubitka posla ili pronalaženje novog, nedostatak servisa za brigu o djeci, neizvjesnost i strah od budućnosti koja se povećava činjenicom da se kraj krize izazvane pandemijom ne nazire, posljedično žene u aktuelnom trenutku čini ranjivijim, a proces osnaživanja za izlazak iz nasilja složenijim i neizvjesnijim”, precizirala je Međedović.






The National SOS Helpline for Victims of Domestic Violence has marked 1.608 calls for help and support since the beginning of the Corona virus pandemic, between the period of March 15th and August 30th – 15 percent more in comparison to the same period last year, where there were 1.371 calls.


The National SOS line is lead by SOS hotline  Niksic since September 2015. Its service is free and anonymous, reminds us the Executive Coordinator, Nataša Međedović.


For the press, Međedović states that help was requested by 220 women this year, which is 10 percent more than last year when there were 198 women.

During the first wave of the Corona virus pandemic – a big unknown for all, from March to May, according to her, the focus was on the fact that violence against women and domestic violence became more intensive, consequently putting the safety and life of women at risk.


“The second wave, from June brought to light other negative social processes caused by Covid-19 (material insecurity, heightened unemployment and poverty), which particularly hit women victims of violence who are vulnerable on multiple domains. They often held temporary jobs without contracts. A big number was employed in service industry, which means that their jobs could not be moved to work from home”, she explained.


She adds that children were unable to attend kindergartens and schools, thus the women were faced with the worry of balancing out child care and going to work.

“Employers laid off a number of workers which led to women losing their jobs, being forced into working twice as much as earlier for the same or smaller payment. Existential insecurity, the fear of job loss or that of having to find new work, the lack of child care services, the uncertainty and fear of the future which increases with the fact that the end of the crisis caused by the pandemic is not near, makes women in this current moment particularly vulnerable, while it makes the process of empowerment to leave the situation of violence more complex and uncertain”, specified Međedović.


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