Implementation of Montenegro’s Domestic Violence Legislation/ Implementacija Zakona o porodičnom nasilju u Crnoj Gori

The Advocates for Human Rights, SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence –Niksic, and
Women’s Rights Center carried out fact-finding to monitor and document the Montenegrin government’s implementation of domestic violence legislation. We  carried out a monitoring
mission in July 2015, during which we visited 6 cities and conducted 60 interviews with government
officials, police, judges, prosecutors, health care workers, CSWs, mediators, and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), and conducted follow-up interviews in 2016 and 2017. The findings and
recommendations presented in this report represent the results of these interviews, the authors’
observations, and secondary research. While findings reveal some good practices and initiatives, they
also reveal a lack of knowledge, harmful attitudes, and gaps in responses by all systems actors.

You can find report here:

Advokati za ljudska prava, SOS telefon za žene i decu žrtve nasilja -Niksić i Centar za ženska prava sproveli su istraživanje o primjeni Zakona o nasilju u porodici u Crnoj Gori. Istraživanje smo sproveli u julu 2015. godine, tokom kojeg smo obišli 6 gradova i obavili 60 intervjua sa predstavnicima vlade, policijom, sudijama, tužiocima, zdravstvenim radnicima, centrima za socijalni rad, posrednicima i NVO. Takođe,  sproveli smo naknadne intervjue u 2016. i 2017. godine. Nalazi i preporuke predstavljeni u ovom izvještaju predstavljaju rezultate ovih intervjua, zapažanja autora i dodatnih istraživanja. Iako nalazi otkrivaju neke dobre prakse i inicijative, oni takođe otkrivaju nedostatak znanja, loših stavova i praznine u odgovorima svih aktera sistema.

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