Hands-on training on Virtual platform of Childhub/ Praktična obuka o Childhub platformi

JTiP Project Coordinator for Montenegro has attended one-day hands-on training on Virtual platform for professionals working on TiP issues in the Balkans.
The objectives of the training were to introduce the tip.childhub.org to the participants in their capacity as users and administrators, to enable the participants to use the platform/prepare information suitable for the platform/and use it for capacity building purposes as well as to populate some of the rubrics with materials in English and local languages. The training was organised in the offices of Terre des homes in Tirana, Albania on 18th of April 2019.

Koordinatorka projekta JTiP za Crnu Goru prisustvovala je jednodnevnom treningu o Virtualnoj platformi za profesionalce koji rade na pitanjima vezanim za TiP na Balkanu.
Trening se organizovao sa ciljem da se ucesnici/e u njihovom svojstvu korisnika/ca i administratora/ki upoznaju sa tip.childhub.org platformom, kako bi se omogućilo učesnicima/ama da koriste platformu, pripremiti informacije koje su prikladne za platformu i da je koriste i za potrebe izgradnje kapaciteta kao i da popunjavaju neke rubrike sa materijalima na engleskom i lokalnim jezicima.
Trening je organizovan u prostorijama Terre des homes u Tirani, Albaniji, 18. aprila 2019. godine.

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