First Workshop of the Advocate Empowerment Project in the Balkans \ Prva radionica projekta “Osnaživanje zagovaranja na Balkanu”

The representative of SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence Niksic attended the First Workshop of the Advocate Empowerment Project in the Balkans in Belgrade  on July 10th – 13th.

Above mentioned project that is being implemented by Vital Voices in the Balkan region is a yearlong fellowship program that will provide structured support to a selected cohort of leaders serving the refugee/migrant population and survivors of gender-based violence in the areas of digital security and psychosocial support.                            Second Workshop of the Advocate Empowerment Project in the Balkans  will be held in early February 2019.



Predstavnica SOS telefona za žene i djecu žrtve nasilja Nikšić je prisustvovala na prvoj radionici projekta Osnaživanje zagovaranja na Balkanu”,  u Beogradu od 10. do 13. jula.
Gorepomenuti projekat koji implementira Vital Voices u regionu Balkana, je jednogodišnji stipendirani program koji će pružiti strukturnu podršku odabranoj grupi lidera koji služe izbjegličkom / migrantskom stanovništvu i preživjelima rodno zasnovanog nasilja u oblastima digitalne sigurnosti i psihosocijalne podrške.
Druga radionica projekta “Osnaživanje zagovaranja na Balkanu” održaće se početkom februara 2019 godine.

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