CSSP News: Comprehensive report on advancing the Istanbul Convention implementation: The role of women’s NGOs and networks in the Western Balkans & Turkey is now published!
The comprehensive report ‘Advancing the Istanbul Convention implementation: The role of women’s NGOs and networks in the Western Balkans and Turkey’, was prepared by CSSP partner, Albanian Women Empowerment Network (AWEN).This comprehensive report offers an overview of the current situation regarding the IC implementation in the Westerns Balkans and Turkey (WBT), focusing on well implemented articles of the IC in each country, articles that are most problematic to implement, and examining the amount of government funding available for women’s NGOs in the field of VAW.
Furthermore, the report also focuses on how networking influences advocacy actions for the IC implementation. More precisely, the report looks at existing advocacy practices of women’s NGOs and inclusion of women from minority or disadvantaged groups; and at the advocacy efforts through regional networking in the Western Balkans and Turkey. A special focus is placed on lobbying and advocacy achievements when it comes to the implementation of the IC at a national level, monitoring efforts and reporting to GREVIO and CEDAW committees, and the role of women from minority/disadvantaged groups in joint advocacy initiatives. The report also presents two good practice examples focussing on advocacy efforts on the rights of women from minority and disadvantaged groups and one focussing on a successful networking initiative, which contributed to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.
Finally, the report also presents a short summary of lessons learnt, the benefits and challenges of engaging in regional partnership, as well as the knowledge transfer that has been ongoing during the implementation of this project.
Download the report here or find it in the Lobbying Tools & Resources Section of the CSSP website!