Accredited training’s for work on specialized help and support services- SOS Hotlines and SOS shelters for women and children survivors of violence/ Akreditovane obuke za rad na specijalizovanim servisima pomoći i podrške – SOS telefonima i SOS skloništima za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilja

SOS Hotline Niksic through the project „Women’s voice and agency strengthened to advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention“, supported by UNDP office in Montenegro, has improved the competence of the organization’s staff as well as the staff of other specialized services for support and assistance to women and children with experience of gender-based violence.

In order to increase the expertise of staff  providing support and help to the women and children survfivors of violence, SOS Hotline Niksic has developed two programs:

  • Program for work on SOS Hotlines and
  • Program for work in SOS shelters

In September 2019, the Institute for Social and Child Protection of Montenegro  accredited the “Training program for staff who  works  in specialized help and support services – shelters for women and children survivors of violence”.
In November 2019, the Institute for Social and Child Protection accredited the “Training program for staff who works on specialized help and support services – SOS Hotlines for women and children survivors of violence”.
In October 2019, the first two-day accredited training “Training program for staff who works  in specialized help  and support services – shelters for women and children survivors of violence” was realized. In December 2019, the second two-day accredited training  “Training program for staff who works on specialized assistance and support services – SOS Hotlines for women and children survivors of violence” was realized.  Each of the accredited training was  attended by 20 female practitioners from women’s NGOs and professionals from Centers for Social Work , which means that a total of 40 participants attended accredited training’s.

SOS Hotline Niksic has prepared two training manuals for accredited programs. The guides were designed to be reliable guides for the standardized delivery of training programs.

SOS telefon Nikšić kroz projekat „Ženski glas ojačan za zalaganje za razvoj i sprovođenje zakona i politika u skladu sa CEDAV i Istanbulskom konvencijom“ poboljšala je kompetentnost osoblja organizacije kao i osoblja drugih specijalizovanih servisa podrške i pomoći ženama i djeci sa iskustvom rodno zasnovanog nasilja.

U cilju povećanja stručnosti osoblja koje pruža podršku i pomoć ženama i deci sa iskustvom nasilja, SOS telefon Nikšić je razvio dva programa:

  • Program za rad na SOS telefonima i
  • Program za rad u skloništima

U septembru 2019. godine Institut za socijalnu i dječiju zaštitu Crne Gore je akreditovao „Program obuke za osoblje koje radi u specijalizovanim servisima pomoći i podrške – skloništima za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilja“.

U novembru 2019. godine Institut za socijalnu i dečiju zaštitu akreditovao je “Program obuke za osoblje koje radi na specijalizovanim servisima pomoći i podrške – SOS telefona za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilja”.

U oktobru 2019. godine realizovan je prvi dvodnevni akreditovani trening „Program obuke za osoblje koje radi u specijalizovanim servisima pomoći i podrške – skloništima za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilja“. U decembru 2019. godine realizovan je drugi dvodnevni akreditovani trening „Program obuke za osoblje koje radi na specijalizovanim servisima pomoći i podrške – SOS telefonima za žene i djecu sa iskustvom nasilje“. Na akreditovanim obukama učestvovalo je po 20 praktičarki predstavnica NVO i profesionalaca/ki iz centara za socijalni rad.

SOS telefon Nikšić pripremio je dva priručnika za obuku za akreditovane programe. Vodiči su dizajnirani kao pouzdani vodiči za standardizovanu isporuku programa obuke.

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