“In the fight against family violence in Montenegro, important steps have been taken , but there is still a lot of work and the  “silence” in the community  is a particularly problematic”, was estimated at the conference held on June, 26  in Zabljak.

Preventing violence against women and family violence  is much harder in smaller communities and in the traditional societies like are in Montenegro. Therefore, the response to violence must be decisive, efficient and effective by all those who participate in the protection system. Provided statistics often show how many women and families are at risk, and this was the reason why we chosed the slogan “100 %”.

“100% safe, 100% protected” is the name of the Opening Conference, which marks the beginning of an inclusive, regional campaign against family violence and against women, which will be implemented in the municipalities of Niksic, Savnik, Zabljak and Pluzine. The campaign is part of the project “Improving Access to Life With No Violence for Women Survivors in Central and Northern Montenegro”, and which SOS Hotline Niksic is implementing from March last year.

Together with partner organizations, Women’s Safe House, Montenegrin Women’s Lobby, RAE Network “FIRST” and Bona FIde Pljevlja,  we will organize a series of public events with the idea to reach as many women and girls as possible from these four municipalities,  and share information on the ways and places where they can find support.

U borbi protiv porodičnog nasilja u Crnoj Gori napravljeni su značajni koraci, ali ima još dosta posla i posebno je problematično ćutanje sredine, ocijenjeno je na konferenciji koja je održana 26. Juna na Žabljaku.

Spriječiti nasilje nad ženama i u porodici mnogo je teže u manjim zajednicama i tradicionalnim društvima kao što je Crna Gora. Zato odgovor na nasilje mora biti odlučan, efikasan i djelotvoran od strane svih onih koji učestvuju u sistemu zaštite. Često se iznose statistički podaci koliko je ugroženih žena i porodica pa je to bio razlog što smo odabrale slogan “100 %”.

„Sto posto sigurne, sto posto zaštićene“ naziv je Konferencije koja označava početak inkluzivne, regionalne kampanje protiv nasilja u porodici i nad ženama, koju ćemo sprovoditi u opštinama Nikšić, Šavnik, Žabljak i Plužine. Kampanja je dio projekta “Poboljšanje pristupa životu bez nasilja za žene sa iskustvom nasilja u centralnoj i sjevernoj Crnoj Gori” koji SOS telefon Nikšić realizje od marta prošle godine.

Zajedno sa svojim partnerima Sigurnom ženskom kućom, Crnogorskim ženskim lobijem, RAE mrežom Prva, Bona Fide Pljevlja, organizovaćemo niz javnih događaja sa idejom da dopremo do što više žena i djevojaka u ove četiri opštine i podijelimo informacije o načinu i mjestima gdje mogu naći podršku.

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