What after the adoption of the new Law for preventing and protection from violence against women and domestic violence?/ Што по донесувањето на Законот за спречување и заштита од насилство врз жени и семејно насилство?

Republic of North Macedonia made an important step in implementing the Istanbul Convention by preparation of the new Law on prevention and protection from violence against women and domestic violence. The law is expected to be adopted in January 2021, and it will be the first law to address all forms of violence against women, …

Read more What after the adoption of the new Law for preventing and protection from violence against women and domestic violence?/ Што по донесувањето на Законот за спречување и заштита од насилство врз жени и семејно насилство?

Izlazak iz nasilja je moguć, samo treba pozvati/ A way out of violence is possible; just need to call

SOS telefon Nikšić na društvenim mrežama aktivno promoviše Nacionalnu SOS liniju za pomoć žrtvama porodičnog nasilja. Cilj je ukazati da žrtva nikad nije kriva za nasilje, te da je za to uvijek odgovoran počinilac, koji treba da bude kažnjen za nasilje koje je učinio. Poruka videa koji je urađen na crnogorskom i albanskom jeziku glasi: …

Read more Izlazak iz nasilja je moguć, samo treba pozvati/ A way out of violence is possible; just need to call

16 dana aktivizma/ 16 days of activism

Istraživanja kažu da je svaka druga žena u Crnoj Gori u jednom periodu svog života bila izložena porodično-partnerskom nasilju. Usljed pandemije izazvane virusom korona, Nacionalna SOS linija bilježi čak 25 odsto više poziva u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Većem broju prijava doprinijeli su i faktori kao što su ograničeno kretanje usljed epidemioloških mjera, …

Read more 16 dana aktivizma/ 16 days of activism

BiH: 16 Days of Activism with a Focus on Violation of Women’s Rights During Covid 19 Pandemic/BiH: 16 dana aktivizma sa fokusom na kršenje prava žena tokom pandemije Covid 19

26 November 2020 – For the past twenty years, Foundation United Women from Banja Luka, BiH commemorates the global campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, which begins on 25 November, the International Day of Combating Violence Against Women, and end on 10 December, the International Human Rights Day. The Campaign started with the …

Read more BiH: 16 Days of Activism with a Focus on Violation of Women’s Rights During Covid 19 Pandemic/BiH: 16 dana aktivizma sa fokusom na kršenje prava žena tokom pandemije Covid 19

Soft skills and IT courses for women victims of violence / Обуки за вештини и ИТ за жени жртви на насилство

National network to end violence against women and domestic violence is organizing practical courses for the women victims of violence, with great support from the Government of North Macedonia. Our goal is to provide support to the process of rehabilitation and reintegration, until these women find a new job, get a regular salary, and establish …

Read more Soft skills and IT courses for women victims of violence / Обуки за вештини и ИТ за жени жртви на насилство

The 5th report “Women’s rights in Western Balkans” is now published and available / Објавен и достапен 5-от извештај „Женски права во Западен Балкан“

“Women’s Rights in Western Balkans” serves as a benchmark for the six Western Balkan accession countries regarding women’s rights and influence, for comparisons over time. This is the fifth edition of the report. The report is prepared as part of the regional programme “Strengthening Women’s Rights, Participation and Influence in the Western Balkans 2015 – …

Read more The 5th report “Women’s rights in Western Balkans” is now published and available / Објавен и достапен 5-от извештај „Женски права во Западен Балкан“

ECMM decision on our complaint about media content / Одлука на СЕММ на нашата жалба за медиумска содржина

The Ethics Council in Media in Macedonia accepted the complaint by National Network to end Violence against Women and Domestic Violence for the article published on A1on.mk, with the title “An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took a half-naked photo of herself in a police uniform, internal control decided to open a disciplinary …

Read more ECMM decision on our complaint about media content / Одлука на СЕММ на нашата жалба за медиумска содржина

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