Submission to the UN SRVAW thematic report on rape as a serious and systematic violation of human rights and gender-based violence against women/ Поднесок за тематски извештај на UN SRVAW за силувањето како сериозно и систематско кршење на човековите права и родово засновано насилство врз жените

The National Network to end Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence sent a report to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović, which will be part of a thematic report to be presented to the Human Rights Council. At the UN in June 2021, will address the …

Read more Submission to the UN SRVAW thematic report on rape as a serious and systematic violation of human rights and gender-based violence against women/ Поднесок за тематски извештај на UN SRVAW за силувањето како сериозно и систематско кршење на човековите права и родово засновано насилство врз жените

The progress of R. Northern Macedonia in the implementation of the National Action Plan for implementation of the Istanbul Convention

The purpose of this report is to assess the country’s progress in implementing the activities and meeting the indicators set out in the National Action Plan for Implementation of the Istanbul Convention for the period 2018-2020. The research for the preparation of this report showed that the institutions in charge of the implementation of the …

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Gender Analysis of the Work Program of the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia

The analysis provides an overview of whether and to what extent the Government Work Program for 2020-2024 includes the gender aspect in the planned activities for the next 4 years. To better understand the context of gender equality and the political will to promote gender equality, the analysis takes into the election programs of SDSM …

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Gender Analysis of the Work Program of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia/ Родова Анализа на Програмата за работа на Владата на Република Северна Македонија

The analysis provides an overview of whether and to what extent the Government Work Program for 2020-2024 includes the gender aspect in the activities planned for the next 4 years. In order to better understand the context of gender equality and the political will to promote gender equality, the analysis considers the election programs of …

Read more Gender Analysis of the Work Program of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia/ Родова Анализа на Програмата за работа на Владата на Република Северна Македонија

Recommendations for improving the employment opportunities for women victims of domestic violence/ Препораки за унапредување на можностите за вработување на жени жртви на семејно насилство

The purpose of this analysis is to make recommendations for improving employment opportunities for women victims of domestic violence. Through the analysis of the legal possibilities, obligations, and recommendations from the international documents, and the analysis of the active employment measures through the operational plans of the Employment Agency of RSM, the document brings conclusions …

Read more Recommendations for improving the employment opportunities for women victims of domestic violence/ Препораки за унапредување на можностите за вработување на жени жртви на семејно насилство

Kriminal pod velom tradicije/ The crime under the veil of tradition

Prema procjenama romskih nevladinih organizaca, prije punoljetstva u brak stupe dvije od tri, ili čak tri od četiri Romkinje. Ne zna se koliko je ugovorenih brakova. Ali se zna “cijena” nevjeste. Uglavnom od 200 do 4.000 eura, u nekim slučajevima i više. Ako kojim slučajem djevojčica napusti bračnu zajednicu, porodica mora da vrati novac. Nevinost …

Read more Kriminal pod velom tradicije/ The crime under the veil of tradition

Gender Alliance for Development Centre and The Inspectorate of Labor’s Contribution to Garment and Footwear Sector in Albania

The fason industry companies are considered as one of the main sources of women’s employment in Albania. According to official data, a total of 68 thousand people were employed in this sector, where 80% are women and girls. But this is only the visible part, since the number of women and girls working in the …

Read more Gender Alliance for Development Centre and The Inspectorate of Labor’s Contribution to Garment and Footwear Sector in Albania

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