Women’s NGOs from Serbia supported WAVE’s initiative to protect the key concepts of the Istanbul Convention – Ženske NVO iz Srbije podržale WAVE inicijativu za zaštitu ključnih koncepata Istanbulske konvencije

May 3, 2018. – A letter from women’s NGOs to support key concepts of the Istanbul Convention was sent to the General Secretary of the Council of Europe from the WAVE office last week. The goal was to gather more than 333 organizations to provide counter-resistance and rapid reaction to a retrograde and potentially dangerous initiative …

Read more Women’s NGOs from Serbia supported WAVE’s initiative to protect the key concepts of the Istanbul Convention – Ženske NVO iz Srbije podržale WAVE inicijativu za zaštitu ključnih koncepata Istanbulske konvencije

Preparation of the first official report about the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Serbia is in progess – U toku je priprema prvog zvaničnog izveštaja o primeni Istanbulske konvencije u Srbiji

April 26, 2018 – The Republic of Serbia ratified the Convention on 31th of October 2013 and is obliged to prepare the first report on its application. The preparation of the national report is based on the Questionnaire on Legislative and Other Measures that sholuld show the extent of application the Convention, as is provided …

Read more Preparation of the first official report about the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Serbia is in progess – U toku je priprema prvog zvaničnog izveštaja o primeni Istanbulske konvencije u Srbiji

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